Choosing Kitchen Benchtops: Does Your Height Matter?

Choosing a new kitchen isn't just a question of choosing a design you like that fits into your available room space, as you also need to make sure that you're comfortable working on your benchtops. If you're on the tall side, regular cabinet sizes or designs may leave you leaning down to get to your benchtop.

While this may not bother you if you're not a regular cook, it may become tiresome if you spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Bending down to prepare food all the time may also give you back and neck ache. Are you so tall that you need to look for other options and how can you create a kitchen that fits your height as well as your room layout?

What's the Working Height of Your Cabinets?

When you're using a kitchen cabinet, you need to consider its working height. This is basically the height of the benchtop that you'll work on. The recommended working height is typically set at around 900mm, give or take 20mm either way; however, it is possible to buy taller cabinets with a working height of over 1000mm.

Does the Working Height Work For You?

If you're taller than average, a standard kitchen cabinet may come with a working height that is a little on the low side for you. The best way to tell if the benchtop will be at the right height is to stand in front of a cabinet with your arms by your sides and see how far up your body the benchtop comes. If the benchtop is approximately level with your wrist bone, the height of the cabinet should be fine.

How to Increase Benchtop Height

If you can't find a regular kitchen cabinet that is tall enough for you, you may be able to buy cabinets that can have a plinth added to make them taller. In some cases, you may able to buy extra-long legs for cabinets to increase their height. If you can't find a ready-made or flat pack cabinet that is the right height for you, you can look to have kitchen cabinets and benchtops made to your specification. This may, however, increase your kitchen design and fitting costs.

You do need to think about how much your comfort matters to you before you choose the optimum height for your benchtops. Taller cabinets may leave you with gaps in spaces where you'll fit appliances, such as washers and cookers. These appliances come in standard heights that may not fit a taller space as well. Finally, if you're planning on selling your house in the near future, it's worth bearing in mind that a kitchen designed for really tall people may not suit homebuyers of an average height.
